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Sunday 3 February 2008

Frank Takes advice global!!

Frank takes his self defence advice global-->Biggleswade martial artist's book is published internationally-->-->

Published Date: 17 January 2008
Location: Biggleswade
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Frank takes his self defence advice global
Frank ezhadpournia

Biggleswade martial artist's book is published internationally
A martial arts expert is now sharing his knowledge with women all over the world with the release of the second edition of his book Defending Against Attack for Women. Frank Nezhadpournia, of Shortmead Street in Biggleswade, originally wrote the book to help women protect themselves in March last year. But thanks to its success it has now been picked up by an international publisher. Frank is a fourth degree black belt in traditional Shotokan karate and has taught more than 1,000 self defence workshops across the country.The book describes how women can handle knife attacks, spot the four different types of attacker, or even deal with multiple attackers. For more information visit
The full article contains 132 words and appears in n/a newspaper.
Last Updated: 17 January 2008 12:14 PM
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Defending AgainstAttack The Shotokan Way

WESTWOOD: Everyone’s Favourite Racing Circuit [Tom Johnston] Westwood (or ’Wetwood’ as some
called it) was the first purpose-built automobile road-racing track in Canada. Its location in Coquitlam on the
slopes of British Columbia’s coastal mountains meant that it often rained, but the rest of the time it may well
have been the most beautiful racing circuit in the world. The track was built and owned by the Sports Car Club
of British Columbia. SCCBC members viewed it as a special place where family members of racing
enthusiasts grew up over its 32 seasons. The track ran just about any kind of racing that came along for cars,
motorcycles and karts, but was best known for its spectacular races for smaller formula cars, Formula Atlantic
in particular. Sadly, in 1990 Westwood suffered the common fate of racetracks located near expanding cities
world-wide and was converted into a housing development and golf course. {120 pages, 280x215mm, 100+
colour & b/w photos; September 2007, PB, 189469449X (9781894694490), £30.50, Granville Island
WHY BOOK OF SAILING: The Curious Sailor’s Guide to the Science of Sailing and Seamanship [Scott
Welty; Foreword by Captain David Appleton] Sailors know that Nature's forces are always at work, affecting
the boat and its surroundings in countless ways. 'The Why Book of Sailing' examines these laws and how they
come to bear on the sailboat, with intriguing, surprising, and entertaining answers to such questions as these:
Why does it get ever harder to make your sailboat go ever faster? Why are golf balls dimpled but hulls are
smooth? Why do boats float higher in salt water? Why are tsunamis nearly undetectable at sea? ...and many
more. This book takes the helm to look at everything from vectors to leverage, the physics of floating and the
science of navigation, the laws of electricity, optics, waves and more, in a book that will intrigue and delight
every sailor. {179 pages, 155x230mm, 35 b&w photos and illus; September 2007, PB, 1580801463
(9781580801461), £14.99, Burford Books}
BOXING: Advanced Tactics and Strategies [R Michael Onello] This book offers a concise collection of drills,
tips, exercises and strategies designed to take the novice boxer to the next level. Building on his popular first
book, Onello explains advanced ring tactics including hitting with movement, blocks, slips, feints, draws, and
advanced punch variations. He also shares strategic tips gained through years in the ring and in the corners of
successful boxers. In addition to a range of practical offence, defence, punch progression and shadow
sparring drills, he includes advanced conditioning exercises and a chapter on ring generalship. This book is a
great resource for boxers who want to advance their skills and coaches looking for solid training advice. {140
pages, 155x230mm, b/w photos; August 2007, PB, 1880336952 (9781880336953), £12.99, Turtle Press}
DEFENDING AGAINST ATTACK -- THE SHOTOKAN WAY: Teaching Basics, Sparring & Formal
Exercise to the Beginner [Frank Nezhadpournia, CPL, CFI, MEI] This is the latest book in the series teaching
students "Basic Shotokan Karate". With a twist, explaining how, with what, and when an attack is likely to
occur! Providing a definitive guide to ‘Street Self Defence’ for the beginner, "The Shotokan Way" with the aid
of over 500 photographs, A simple ‘20 Lesson Plan’ teaches "Attack Psychology" collated from victims, youth
offenders, and military branches, and with the aid of his students Frank teaches: Basics (Kihon) Sparring
(Kumite) and Formal Exercise (Kata). Showing a massive variety of punching, kicking and blocking
techniques. Heian Kata's and Kumite techniques are explained in full. The book is to be used for the serious
martial artist who wants to develop techniques not just for obtaining a Karate Belt! Frank shares a wealth of
personal experience and the theme of Self Defence runs throughout the book with applications (Bunkai) to
techniques everywhere! "Defending Against Attack" is the product of over 800 workshops completed with
organisations that deal with violence on a daily basis, and a personal commitment to provide a comprehensive
guide of the modern attacker empowering the reader to reduce their 'Attack Chances'. {200 pages,
145x210mm, 500+ photos; November 2007, PB, 0955727405 (9780955727405), £12.95, Frank
SHOTOKAN KARATE KUMITE DVD [Renshi Steve Flores] Steve Flores teaches you over 40 karate sparring
(kumite) techniques. He begins with an overview of stance and footwork then teaches you dozens of ways to
score in light-contact or no-contact sparring using the reverse punch, backfist, ridgehand, spinning backfist,
front kick, roundhouse kick, side kick, back kick, drop kick and crescent kick. Through the use of solo and
partner practice drills, you'll learn to combine footwork, strikes and kicks to score on your opponent. You will
also learn defensive techniques to stop your opponent's attack and how to score with combination strikes and
kicks. This DVD is a thorough and progressively taught introduction to the fundamentals of karate sparring.
Approximate running time: 40 minutes. {August 2007, DV, DVD-STK5 £17.50, Turtle Press}
SHOTOKAN KATA 3 DVD: 9 Black Belt Forms [Renshi Steve Flores] Learn 9 black belt kata of Shotokan
Karate from a 3-time world champion. This DVD is an excellent learning aid for at-home practice and review,
testing & competition. Renshi Steve Flores demonstrates each form from front view, rear view and side view.
Fully indexed: Jump directly to the kata you want to practice. Learn the following forms: Unsu; Sochin; Jitte;
Giin; Empi; Gojushiho-Dai; Gojushiho-Sho; Chinte; Meikyo. DVD Bonus: Renshi Steve Flores demonstrates
the art of the Japanese sword. Approximate running time: 85 minutes. {April 2007, DV, DVD-STK3 £25.99,
Turtle Press}
WEAPONS KATA DVD: Kobudo and Iaido [Renshi Steve Flores] Learn traditional kata for the Kama, Tonfa,
and Bo as well as the traditional sword techniques of Iaido. Renshi Steve Flores teaches Bo (staff) forms
Tokumini No Kon Bo and Tokumini No Kon Bo Sho for the Bo, Kama form Empi No Kama, Tonfa form
Matsuhiga No Tonfa and eleven Iaido techniques. Each kata is demonstrated from the front, side and rear as
well as in slow motion making it easy for you to follow along, even if you have no previous experience with
these weapons. Learn the following: Tokumini No Kon Bo (performed with the bo staff); Tokumini No Kon Bo
Sho (performed with the bo staff); Empi No Kama (performed with 2 Kamas); Matsuhiga No Tonfa (performed
with 2 Tonfas); 11 Iaido Techniques (performed with the Samurai Sword). Approximate running time: 76
minutes. {August 2007, DV, DVD-STK4 £25.99, Turtle Press}
Gazelle New Title Information
Gazelle: tel +44 (0)1524 68765; fax +44 (0)1524 63232; e-mail
CELEBRATION OF SALMON RIVERS [R Randolph Ashton; Foreword by HRH
the Prince of Wales] This book is devoted to the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar,
and the magnificent rivers it inhabits. The book depicts over 50 of the finest
Atlantic salmon rivers, each described by those familiar with it and committed to
maintaining and preserving it. Here in one book are all the salmon rivers fly
fishermen dream of fishing -- the Alta, the Laerdal, the Spey, the Dee, the Moy,
the Big Laxa, the Ponoi, the Kharlovka, and the great rivers of Canada. No other
book has come close to capturing so many wonderful rivers, many of which are
remote and exclusive and have never been seen in published photographs.
{238 pages, 275x255mm, 300 colour photos; October 2007, HB, 0811702790
(9780811702799), £36.50, Stackpole Books}
COMPLETE KAYAK FISHERMAN [Ric Burnley] A revolutionary new technique
has already begun to have an influence on anglers everywhere: kayak fishing.
Kayaks enable fishermen to go into virtually any fishing location in near-total
silence, and to be completely mobile and have all gear at hand. Previously
unreachable waters are now able to be fished -- and the results are spectacular.
Here is a thorough guide to this new breed of angling, for both fresh and
saltwater fishermen. Choosing a kayak, outfitting the craft with rod-holders,
electronics, storage, anchoring systems, and more, plus techniques for fighting
fish from the kayak and full safety guidelines are all covered in this book. {179
pages, 155x230mm, 50 b&w photos; October 2007, PB, 1580801471
(9781580801478), £14.99, Burford Books}
GUIDE TO CLIMBING [Tony Lourens] From conquering great peaks to scaling
a challenging boulder, the thrill of climbing endures. And new techniques,
materials, and advances in technology have made it possible for climbers to
tackle just about any surface or rock type. This Guide covers all branches of
climbing, discussing techniques, equipment, and the ethics of climbing. It also
addresses mountain leadership, from the physical aspects of leading a pitch to
the mental challenges of inspiring confidence. Sections on advanced training
explore controlling fear and specialised physical preparation. {192 pages,
210x265mm, 325 colour photos & 79 illus; September 2005, PB, 0811701522
(9780811701525), £13.99, Stackpole Books}
HUNTING AFRICA: A Practical Guide: 2nd Edition [G P Swan, D J Botes and
P L Smit] A comprehensive guide for the beginner, more experienced and
trophy hunter of African game. A first of its kind, this book contains detailed
information on various aspects of hunting -- from administrative requirements to
accommodation and facilities. It deals with the preparation for the hunt,
tracking, shot placement, the all-round rifle, emergencies and field preparation
of trophies. The book contains information on measurement and records,
hunting ethics and law issues. An entire section is devoted to different species
in Africa, with full colour photographs and illustrations. This book has become
the standard reference work on hunting in Afri1919938702ca. {350 pages,
155x230mm, 150 colour photos, maps & b/w illus; December 2002, PB,
1919938702 (9781919938707), £7.83, Jonathan Ball Publishers (Sunbird
Gazelle: tel +44 (0)1524 68765; fax +44 (0)1524 63232; e-mail
Gazelle New Title Information

Biggleswade Martial Artists

Karate Comeback
Do you remember Mr Miyagi and his instruction to ‘wax on and wax off’?
Well since those Karate Kid movies in the eighties, the popularity of martial arts has plummeted. But now a teacher in Biggleswade reckons it’s making a comeback.
Frank Nezhadpournia, a fourth degree black belt, is running regular classes in fourteen lower and middle schools. The thirty seven year old puts the high demand down to parents looking for a calming influence on their children: “Self-defence is not the main message – it’s self-confidence. And as children become more confident, they learn to handle all sorts of situations.”

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